Rector Opens Chemistry and Chemistry Education Webinar

Oleh: Wiwin Rewini Kunusa . June 13, 2020 . 16:04:25

Chemistry Department, FMIPA State University of Gorontalo successfully held an online seminar (webinar), Saturday (13/6).

The webinar with the theme, "Research Development in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic" was opened directly by the Chancellor of the State University of Gorontalo, Dr. Eduart Wolok, ST., MT

“Pandemics have an effect on the academic world, including research. Therefore, I thank the Department of Chemistry, FMIPA for bringing up this theme," said the Chancellor, starting his speech.

He also really hopes that, in the midst of a pandemic, research must continue, not stop because research is the lifeblood of higher education.

"Research is the lifeblood of higher education, so in any situation research must continue," he added.

The Chancellor, who is also the head of the Gorontalo Province PGRI, hopes that this webinar initiated by the Chemistry Department will produce a formula that will become a reference so that academic activities, especially research, can continue to exist, especially in handling COVID-19.

"Hopefully this webinar will encourage us to do various researches that can help us so that this pandemic ends soon based on our respective capacities," he hoped.

The online seminar which was attended by 600 participants through the zoom application presented 3 (three) speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Harno Dwi Pranowo, M.Si, professor of Chemistry, FMIPA Gadjah Mada University. This professor who studies computational chemistry research delivered material about Research in the Field of Computational Chemistry in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period.

Prof. Dr. Moh. Amir Masruhim, M.Kes, as the 2nd speaker delivered material about chemical education research in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. In his paper, the professor who is also the dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Mulawarman University discussed the problem of how students can carry out research in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, the 3rd speaker Dr. Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo, M.Pd, a lecturer in the Chemistry Education Study Program, FMIPA, State University of Gorontalo, explained the material about chemistry learning innovations in the new normal era.

The webinar, which was broadcast live through the UNG Chemistry Department youtube channel, was also attended by the dean of FMIPA UNG, Prof. Dr. Astin Lukum, M.Sc.[]


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