Tracer Study

UNG is ecstatic to be able to reconnect with its Alumni. As the tagline "Mohabari Alumni UNG" suggests, we want to get a picture of alumni conditions through this Tracer study survey.

This UNG tracer study activity is a scientific activity that aims to collect information about alumni situations, particularly in terms of job search, work situation, scientific field conformity with work, and other data that can be used to improve policy and academic quality while strengthening the quality of UNG graduates.

Through this interaction, UNG aims to maintain synergy with alumni through higher education tridarma activities, knowledge growth in line with the evolution of the world of education, and training activities tailored to the demands of the labor market. Alumni who have not worked are targeted for training programs such as "preparation for entering the world of employment." Other events, in collaboration with study programs, faculties, and universities, can be packaged by each Alumni Association for mutual benefit.

Because this questionnaire is so important, please answer all of the questions truthfully. The filled results will be converted into percentages and graphs. The confidentiality of alumni's personal information is ensured.

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this survey. More info, email:


May 23 - 31, 2022

Final Exam

Final Exam Period for Even Semester